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A Family Business with Quality at its Core

The client asked me to create a logo and business card for their Upholstery business, and with it a new identity.

The clients only real request was to have the 'f' and 'n' in Fagan form the legs of the chair. They were happy to leave everything else to me

Fagan Upholstery : Welcome
Fagan Upholstery : Work


Luxurious but Approachable 

While I wanted to keep to the clients specifications, after a few drafts it became clear that using the 'N' in Fagan as a chair leg, left the whole design looking fairly unbalanced.


However, the needle and thread seemed to be a good compromise. It brings signifies delicate hand stitching directing our minds to associate tradition and quality with the brand. Although, I didn't want the brand to appear intimidating of pretentious. As such I kept things bright and avoided sharp edges to keep that approachable feeling.

After explaining this to the client they were happy to go ahead and especially loved the classy flair the thread offered!

Fagan Upholstery : Welcome
Fagan Upholstery : Work



The logo says everything it needs to so it was decided that the business card would be kept simple to not detract from it.


As such this was more an exercise in preparing the design for print. 

Fagan Upholstery : Welcome
Fagan Upholstery : Work


See the Design in Action 

I've ensured that this is sized in a way that makes it perfect for viewing on both mobile and PC. I've also left space for the clients contact details should they wish to add them​

Fagan Upholstery : Welcome
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