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Positive Training with Military Efficiency 

The client asked me to create a logo and business card for their dog training business. The client wanted a reference to their previous experience dog training in the army and their beloved dachshund!
Beyond that the client asked for a classy style with the primary colours being dark blue and gold.

PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Welcome
PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Work


The Proud Dachshund 

For the logo I wanted a design that conveyed the proud and independent nature of the daschund breed as well creating an air of obedience from the dog. 
By using a silhouette I was able to keep detailing minimal, making the design cleaner and giving it that classy feel the client wanted. 
Although, for me there are two key areas in this design; the strong nose and the collar. The nose sits high within the design and outside the circle, conveying the breeds pride and independence. However, this pose can also be achieved by having a dog follow the "sit" command therefore signifying the obedience achieved through training. Finally there's the collar, which grants ownership to the client; the person capable of taming the breeds nature. 

PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Welcome
PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Work


All Three Iterations

Here we have the business cards. In the clients business the dogs are her primary focus so I wanted to show that on the card, with the logo taking up much if the space and being the focus here as well. For this reason I prefer the design without the contact information and think that should be on the back of the card. However I gave the client both options. 

The third card is one the first designs I played around with. Which had the dog essentially take up the whole space. However overall I didn't very much like the placement of this one and felt the design didn't really 'pop' making the whole thing feel a bit bland. I also felt this design made it hard to stick to the clients chosen colour scheme as it's incredibly dark making it hard to see the design in some lights. Having the gold circle for contrast in the final design solved these issues and made the design much more versatile. Whereas the first one only really worked on the card. 


PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Welcome
PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Work


See the Design in Action 

PG Pawsitive Dog Training : Welcome
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